Genre: Electronic Modern Metal
Herkunft: Italien
2020 – Six Feet Underground (Single)
2021 – Descent (EP)
2021 – Human (EP)
Based in Italy, Kalah is a new Electronic Modern Metal act that just came about in 2020, intent on revolutionizing the melodic metal scene.
A futuristic sound that does not fall directly into one category: Power Metal with modern dance-able synth vibes, a frenetic, bold and exciting guitar work pulling in a melodeath direction and Claudia’s straight, soft and elegant vocals without operatic or over the top stuff.
Kalah is a Sanskritic word that points out “the slight movement of the Moon growing little by little while becoming full”, an idea of costant movement which is not always visible and that perfectly defines the sound of the band.
With four songs apiece, the discographic approach reminds of Green Day’s Uno! Dos! Tre! with the first EP “Descent” released on February 1st, shortly followed by “Human” on June 1st.
Claudia Gigante (ex-Evil Desire) – vocals
Alessio Monacelli (ex-Death Riders, ex-Imago Imperii, Hellcome!, Hidden Lapse) – drums
Dario Trentini (ex-Reasons Behind) – keyboards, synths
Marco Monacelli (ex-Death Riders, Hellcome!) – rhythm guitars
Mario Grassi – lead guitars
Enrico Menozzi (ex-Reasons Behind, ex-Dawn of Memories) – bass
10. Juni 2022
Bambi Galore, Hamburg
Unchained Horizon, Screamer